A reminder of the schedule:
Monday and Wednesday
6:00-6:45 pm - Lil Ninjas
6:45-7:30 pm- White Belt-Green Stripe
7:30-8:15 pm - Green and Blue
8:15-9:00 pm - Red and Black
6:00 pm - Yellow and Green
7:00 pm - Blue and Red
8:00 pm- Black
Lil Ninjas will receive their uniforms at tomorrow nights first class. We had a few recent registrations so if I am short a dobok or 2, those who registered first will receive theirs first and I will have the rest brought in the next day. Depending on the sizes of the children I should be good.
I will meet the Lil Ninjas at the front doors at 5:55pm and walk them up. Unfortunately at this time parents are not allowed in the room. This will change as restrictions are lightened.
All students will exit through the bathroom doors at the end of class and come out of the Blue doors that are right across from the Picnic Tables. There is a sign above the door but I just can't think of what it says off the top of my head. I will accompany the kids down the stairs.
Students are required to wear masks in the hallways. Once we get into the mulipurpose room there is a hand sanitizing station right on the right. Students are asked to santitize their hands.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone back and meeting the new group of Lil Ninjas.
If you have questions, please do ask.
Mr. LeBlanc