One of the most popular children's Martial Arts programs in the province, the Lil Ninja program is the fun intro level
for children aged 5-7 years.  Children will be introduced to Taekwon-do basics using entertaining methods while keeping with the Martial Arts tradition of discipline.  Children are tested when they feel prepared to help build confidence and character. Classes are 45 minutes long and finish with a 10 game time. Upon graduation from the program, Lil NInja's receive their final stripe and are then moved onto the advanced classes. The program has limited spots so please call to reserve a free class.


Our club is host to over 100 families.  Families are encouraged to train together.  We structure our fees to promote families participating together.  When children are involved along with their families, they stick with it and are more likely to achieve Black Belt.  Families may train together with the youngest child being 8 years old.  The family that kicks together, sticks together.

Private Lessons

For the student who may not have been physically active for some time and do not feel comfortable in a group setting.  Once per week with a qualified trainer, the private lessons will give you the basics and set you up to be able to join regular group classes.